Sunday, August 18, 2024

New Work: Costa Rican Natural Wonders

When I started working seriously on my photography about 25 years ago, I had decided to be the "Georgia O'Keeffe of photography." I took literally tens of thousands of closeup images of various types of flowers. Which was fine until smartphones because ubiquitous and someone's "lucky shot" on their phone suddenly looked indistinguishable from the image I'd carefully composed, chose the correct lighting, and ruthlessly curated.

But every once in a while, I go back to my roots (especially as I'm now the person shooting with my smartphone predominently these days).

Here are some of my favorite nature images from a recent vacation to Costa Rica (and yup, there were some very lucky shots here, too):

New Work: Reflections

Last month, I took a canal tour at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. It was an overcast day, so the water was like a dark mirror. Here are a few of my favorite shots:

Self-Portraits at the WNDR Museum (Boston)

Last May, I visited the WNDR Boston Museum for the first time. It is a photographer's sandbox, with lots of interesting lighting, reflective surfaces, tools, and angles with which to play.

Above: Mood lighting, mirrors... what's not to love?

Above: The capstone to the Museum is an Infinity Mirrored Room exhibit by Yayoi Kusama called "Let's Survive Forever". Learn more here.

Above: The museum has a machine with which they take a photo of your eye, then display it momentarily on a huge wall screen along with that of others. Are the eyes truly the window to the soul?

New Work: Sunflower Festival

This purely personal work was shot during a recent trip to the SunFox Farms Sunflower Festival in Concord, NH:

New Work: Beach Walk

It takes me a while to walk down any beach, because I get fascinated by the "organic abstracts" created by the tides and wind. Here are a few of my favorite observations, exactly as found (no moving around of objects.) I've also been doing some other shooting - much of it personal work - that I'll be posting within the next several days. Enjoy!